The Cité des Métiers de Haute-Normandie, situated on the Left Bank in Rouen, hosted the Electrical and Electronics Careers Fair on 30th May. Co-organised by OPCALIA and the ESIGELEC, this event aimed to create a meeting point between the audience (students, people looking for employment…), training establishments and companies.
Two round-tables offered discussions about careers, one on careers today and more specifically the sought-after profiles, and the other on the careers of tomorrow. The first, led by Jean-Luc Fauvel (president of the French Federation of Electrical and Energy Engineering Companies) and Yohann Perret (Apprenticeship manager at the Rouen / Dieppe CFAI – Centre for Industrial Apprenticeship), was particularly well-attended and appreciated by the audience.
During the job dating session, candidates were able to meet recruiters, each one having a 15-minute slot in which to present his or her CV and try to entice the companies. This initiative in fact resulted in good quality contacts and the companies were satisfied with the applicants’ profile. One person has already definitely been hired and others are in the process of being hired.
The Careers fair was organised as part of the ELECTRE programme, run by OPCALIA Haute-Normandie and the ESIGELEC and co-financed by the European Social Fund, DIRECCTE and the Upper Normandy Region. Although ELECTRE finishes at the end of the 2013, a second edition of this Fair may be held in 2014.