The companies open their doors to students as part of their studies so that they can find out about their services and professions and gain an understanding of them. Students are immersed in the business world and can take a concrete look into their future career. With this in mind, some ESIGELEC students visited the ACOME and ACROPOLIS TELECOM during May.
Visiting the ACOME High-Speed Broadband Centre of Expertise
35 students in their 2nd year of the engineering cycle majoring in IT and Network Business Engineering (IA-IR) and 2 students majoring in Communications Engineering (ICOM) were invited to visit the High-Speed Broadband Centre of Expertise (CETHD), on 17th May with Fadoua Bouzbouz, co-director of the IA-IR Major and Teacher-Researcher in the ICT Department.
Based in Mortain, the CETHD is a unique organisation in Europe whose mission is to carry out life-size demonstrations and experiments in the deployment of access networks, in an approach where services and IP (Internet Protocol) products converge.
Its main assets are:
- A 10,500 m² teaching platform, incorporating all the infrastructure models (including 50 km of ducts and overhead lines).
- An operating network, adapted to any configuration (in rural, urban and residential environments) and supporting High-Speed Broadband services. ACOME’s partners come here to test, experiment with and present their products and services.

The CETHD is therefore equipped with all the components of a “High Speed Broadband network under the same roof, from civil engineering infrastructure, transmission equipment to the services.
The students were therefore able to find out about all the valued-added services linked to high-speed broadband.
With a consolidated turnover of nearly 400 million euros in 2012, 59% of which from abroad, ACOME is a well-established international group which employs 1,365 people and now occupies a major place – as a leader and specialist – in the automotive and embedded solution markets, in telecom networks and infrastructures and in the building industry. Also the leading French industrial cooperative group, ACOME is a key player on the cable, wire and synthetic tube market.
A big thank you to M. Marchisio and his teams for making this interesting visit possible.
Students also participated in a tour of the Nation Data Center (Paris) on 28th May.
Created in 2001 by three telecom professionals, Acropolis positions itself as “the operator for telecommunications-over-IP solutions” and today is emerging on the converged voice, video and multichannel VoIP data markets for companies and local authorities. Acropolis is different because of its technical and qualitative approach. The company has thereby shown its expertise and quality control, especially with multi-site companies.
Today, over 1,200 customers in France trust Acropolis for phone services. It would like to extend its presence on its home and European territory. Despite its new ambitions for external growth, Acropolis is not losing sight of its objectives: quality of service, customer satisfaction, foresight, technological scanning and innovation are objectives which remain and shall remain a priority.
A big thank you to M. Vallet for making this interesting visit possible.
Contact : Fadoua Bouzbouz, co-director of the IT and Networks IA Major,