Executives 31st May 2013
New executive committee for Bouygues Télécom
Richard Viel, Deputy CEO, has been appointed Head of Commercial Operations. He takes responsibility for all fixed and mobile line contracts (consumer, B&YOU, business, diversification and wholesale) and has joined the operator’s Board of Directors.
Born in 1957, ESIGELEC, INSEAD, he occupied positions at Dassault Electronique, Hewlett-Packard, then BT, as Head of Marketing, Sales and Business Development (1993), before joining Bull in 1996, as vice-président of the Telecom Business Unit. Since 1998, he has been at Bouygues Telecom running customer services, then fixed price line contracts and consumer marketing. In 2003, he was appointed as Business and International Director and, in 2007, Deputy Managing Director for business, wholesale and development, then Deputy CEO, in charge of business activities, wholesale, roaming, information systems and development. (November 2007).
Drakkar on line 29th May 2013
Stéphane Bouyeure elected President of the TES competitiveness cluster

Stéphane Bouyeure, former director of the NXP Caen company, has been elected by the Board of Directors to succeed Jean-Pierre Le Couedic as President of the Transactions Électroniques Sécurisées (TES) competitiveness cluster.
An ESIGELEC graduate, the young engineer began in the TRT-Philips company in Rouen, in charge of running the team which produced the very first X25 commutators for the TRANSPAC network. He took his first steps in management there and in 1983, caught the Quality bug which he continued to develop at Lucent Technologies with significant results, collecting certifications.
After 20 years in the world of production, Stéphane Bouyeure went on to gain experience in services. In 2000, he became the Quality and Communications manager at EDF GDF Services, also in charge of relations with local authority and economic intelligence.
6 years later, it was the world of research which called out to him. He took over the cross-cutting managerial themes of Quality, Communication and Sustainable Development for NXP France, before becoming the Company Director of Caen.
At the age of 54, Stéphane Bouyeure is now getting to grips with being President of the TES cluster. A cluster he knows well, as he was on the Board of Directors for many years for NXP.
Having severed all his associative commitments, he is a friendly player in a large number of working groups, the creator of Campus Job Dating, the founder member of the Club FORESEE, a staunch promoter for supporting Innovation and Campus EffiScience, and has also been president of the AQM –Association Qualité Management (Management Quality Association) of Lower Normandy - since 2007.
Ouest France 23rd March 2013
Nicolas Saliot, aged 31, plant manager

Profile: Born 29th July 1981 in Caen. 2000-2002, higher education advanced Maths, Maths specialism physics. 2002-2004, ESIGELEC School of Engineering with, in the final year, a post-graduate diploma in robotics and vision at the University of Versailles. 2004-2010, project engineer then industrial manager with Carl Zeiss Vision at Fougères. 2010 up to the present, TImac agro. Manager of the plant in the South Industrial Park for three months. Françoise-Emmanuelle Boussinesq, CEO and Development Director at Timac agro, straight away said of him: “When we hired Nicolas Saliot, we knew he’d become plant manager.” He started off in maintenance, for two years, at the interior platform, the other Timac plant at Saint-Malo, before joining the South Industrial Park a year ago in production management. He has been plant manager, at the age of 31, for three months. A source of pride for the man who, as he says himself, went from “hunting down dust in the optics industry to gathering dust at Timac”. When the chance to become part of the Roullier group came along, he didn’t take a second look. He had the choice between Vitré and Saint-Malo. His passion for surfing made the difference.
L’Alsace 20th March 2013
L'Epée is not dead and buried!

Just like the Phoenix, the brand was reborn in the workshops of an SMI with forty employees at Delémont, in Switzerland. Swiza, the leading clock manufacturer in Switzerland since 1904, bought back the L'Epée brand in 2008. …It was to take the meeting of an industrial genius, Sébastien Merillat, and a gifted engineer, Arnaud Nicolas, with a passion for clock-making, to pick up the thread of such an exciting adventure. And the miracle happened when Arnaud Nicolas took up his post as CEO of the Swiza Company. The young engineer had been hired in 2009 and very quickly understood the great potential of L’Epée.
He trained at the ESIGELEC and then went to work in the aerospace sector at Ariane Espace, in Kourou, French Guiana, before joining Areva, for four years in the USA. Aged 39, Arnaud Nicolas is a man who loves a challenge: at the age of 15, he walked across part of the Sahara, accompanied by his brother who is a year older than him, and then went on to successfully cross a glacier!
Les Echos.fr 13th March 2013
Vincent Marcatté drives B-Com forward to invent the Internet of the future

Vincent Marcatté is a follower of “higher consciousness meditation” recommended by a section of the medical profession for “taking care of yourself”, and reducing your stress and anxiety levels. Elected a few weeks ago by his peers to the helm of a brand new B-com technological research institute focusing on information and high-speed Internet communication, he will certainly need these moments of calm to meet the challenge ahead. “B-com has been set up in Rennes, a town with a strong presence in telecommunications,” he explains. “and is like a global campus for innovation in new Internet technology and high-speed networks.” With a budget of 200 million euros into the bargain, in part from the well-known Investissements d’avenir programme (a major loan). And eventually, some 200-300 researchers. Vincent Marcatté’s decision to steer it owes nothing to chance.
After having obtained his degree at the ESIGELEC in Rouen, he was one of the creators at France Télécom of the first platform behind Wanadoo. The Web and its networks held even fewer secrets from him when he became a manager at Orange Labs. Originally from Normandy, he even held the position there of vice-president of open innovation, in charge of relations between the group’s researchers and academic players, manufacturers – from France and other countries – and innovative SMEs. Born in Le Havre almost exactly fifty years ago, this son of a merchant sailor landed in Rennes fifteen years ago, after stopping off at Caen, to run an Orange laboratory specialising in Web and audiovisual convergence.
He was very quickly singled out by his superiors and by the Breton scientific and business community. And rightly so: he also contributed to the founding of start-ups from spin-offs of his laboratory, including Envivio, now listed on the Nasdaq.
He also took over the presidency of the Images & Réseaux competitiveness cluster. In fact his first four-year mandate was just renewed last year. “I’m moving from the virtual to reality,” explains Vincent Marcatté. “Images & Réseaux gives a seal of approval to R&D projects led by companies and supports them. At B-Com, we are going to become players in the creation of the Internet of the future for the benefit of businesses.”
If he pulls it off, there could be a large number of engineering jobs in Brittany throughout the next decade. But the stakes may be high. This father of two, married to … a research director who is also an executive at Orange, therefore really does need to recharge his batteries.
Apart from practising meditation, he is quite an experienced triathlete since he has entered competitions. With Vincent Marcatté, finely-honed runner that he is, nothing is done by halves.
Studyrama emploi.com
Alexandra Fejjari, aged 22, is a decision-making engineer with the EoZen-Groupe SQLI. She obtained her engineering degree under an apprenticeship at the ESIGELEC.

“Decision-making helps the company handle large quantities of data, quickly analyse them and produce reports for improving the company’s business performance. The role of a decision-making engineer is therefore going to be in setting up a system in which the data is stored logically and consistently as and when it enters the information system. This data can then be used straight away. There are two parts to my job: business and IT project management support. Business project management support involves assisting the client with the specification of his requirements and modelling the optimal data system. IT project management support involves the development (feed flow allowing recovery of company data so that it can be integrated into an optimal data system, creation of reports, etc.).”
Is being a female engineer an advantage? “Being a woman in a “man’s” world can be an advantage, but it isn’t always easy to begin with. Before I came to the school, I had never done any programming and I didn’t know how computers operated. I familiarised myself with the different existing programming languages, which meant that over time I could acquire computer logic. I joined a department where there were only men during the first year of my apprenticeship. I had no expertise whatsoever. But you have to know how to fight, not stay in your corner. I never thought twice about asking questions if I needed to. And you need to know how to do that, whether you’re a man or a woman. Because IT changes from one day to the next. You always have to question yourself, not rest on your laurels. You never stop learning!”
Her advice. “To work in the computer industry, you have to have an inquiring mind and a desire to learn on a daily basis. You must also be able to relate to people well. There is writing involved, too, which shouldn’t be overlooked either as you have to write out specifications properly! And finally, choose your company well. The one which lets you learn and develop according to your abilities and your wishes. I chose to start my professional career in a Computer Engineering Services company so that I could develop my expertise as much as possible before moving towards consultancy. I work for a variety of clients, which means I can get experience of different sectors. It’s really enlightening.”