February 2013 - n°4
If you have completed 2/3 or 4 years of university

Pre-enrolment for DUT BTS open now!

Admission to the 1st year of the classic taught Engineering cycle

80 spots reserved for DUT, BTS

Entry requirements: DUT BTS test bank managed by ENSEA. Pre-enrolment at concours-ensea.org from 1 February to 18 March 2013

Options concerned:
DUT (Technology diploma): Electrical engineering and industrial IT, Industrial engineering and maintenance, Mechanical engineering and production theory, IT, Networks and telecommunications, Physical measurements, Communications network servicing, Thermal engineering and energy, Industrial maintenance

BTS (Advanced Vocational Diploma): Engineer’s support technician, Industrial product design, Electronic systems, Electrotechnology, IT and networks, Mechanics and industrial robotics, Mechanical production theory, Physical technologies, Industrial control and automatic regulation

20 spots reserved for BACHELORS

Entry requirements: Special recruitment procedure for ESIGELEC, by written application and oral Mathematics and/or Technology tests, and "expression-motivation" interview.
Pre-enrolment by 29 May 2913. Application at www.esigelec.fr/Admissions/Vous-etes-en-Bac-2-ou-Bac-3

Options concerned: those doing a degree in Electronics or any other field related to the school’s disciplines.

110 spots reserved for Math Spé

Entry requirements:
Concours e3a (grading databank): www.e3a.fr
PT test bank: www.banquept.fr
Common exams for Polytechnics, IST option: ccp.scei-concours.fr
Pre-enrolment at www.scei-concours.fr closed since 10 January 2013

ATS exam managed by ENSEA: ww.concours-ensea.org
Pre-enrolment at www.concours-ensea.org from 1 February to 18 March 2013

Options concerned: Math Spé MP, PC, PSI, PT, TSI, ATS

Admission to the 1st year of the Engineering cycle - work/study programme curriculum

100 spots

Entry requirements: Students are admitted by recruitment or by passing the above exams (after Math Spé foundation course, DUT BTS or Bachelor’s degree) and are recruited by a business approved by the school. The business may be found by the candidate or may be suggested by the school.

Admission to the 1st year of the Engineering cycle - continuing education

Entry requirements: Admission to continuing education leading to a qualification (Fontanet) is reserved for students who have completed 2 years at university and have at least 3 years’ professional experience in the specific area of recruitment.

Admission to the 2nd year of the classic taught Engineering cycle

10 spots reserved for those in the first year of a Masters Degree

Entry requirements: Recruitment procedure specific to ESIGELEC, by written application and interviews.
Enrolment by 29 May 2013. Application at www.esigelec.fr/Admissions/Vous-etes-en-Bac-4

Options concerned: First year of an Electronics Masters Degree or any other field related to the school’s disciplines

Further information : com@esigelec.fr or recrutement@esigelec.fr
Website : www.esigelec.fr