June - July 2012 - n° 2

The Same'dicap handicap event was held on Saturday June 23rd in Gaillon and organised by the "Divercité association!"

The village welcomed numerous visitors to find out more about different types of disability and to talk to associations :
  • Paul Corteville Centre: guide dogs
  • Valentin Haüy: visually impaired
  • Paralysés de France association
  • les Papillons blancs de l'Eure
It was also the chance for Asmaa Tirhazouine, an ESIGELEC final year engineering student, to present her engineering project: A Braille dictionary to be launched in 2013. The project involved creating an electronic dictionary suitable for the visually impaired.
Asmaa Tirhazouine impressed audiences with her creative spirit, enthusiasm and energy.

Contact : Annick Fouquet, Head of Social Awareness and Equal Opportunities, annick.fouquet@esigelec.fr