June - July 2012 - n° 2
New partnerships in Asia
A recent Management project in India and China has strengthened ESIGELEC's position in Asia. The significant growth in these two countries, namely in the technological innovation of the school's subjects, make them key current and future strategic areas.
The ESIGELEC IRSEEM group will open the Embedded Systems Integration Campus, CISE, on September 6th before an audience of organisations with the participation of Aircelle's CEO (SAFRAN Group).
The Embedded Systems Integration Campus hosted a Robotics Mini-Cup contest on May 24th 2012 as part of the engineering projects.
ESIGELEC is committed to developing an internship programme for companies. This training model enables companies to pre-recruit future employees.
Research Transfer Innovation
ESIGELEC's Research Institute and Rouen University Hospital (C.H.U.) are working together on an organ simulator project.
A team from IRSEEM, ESIGELEC's Research Institute, are collaborating on the creation of an electric car for the future.
Corporate Relations
On May 25th 2012, ESIGELEC and ETDE, Bouygues Construction Energy and Services division, signed a school-company partnership agreement to set their relationship in stone. The two organisations have previously worked together to improve student training and ensure it better meets the needs of companies.
ESIGELEC organised a Careers Day on June 7th.
As part of the partnership between ESIGELEC and the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), 7 Chinese students and a supervisor visited the school for a seminar between May 27th and June 2nd.
Societal commitment
A report has been published following a visit by the National Education inspectors to 6 academic regional authorities', including Rouen, "Cordées de la Réussite" educational partnerships for excellence: "Les Cordées de la Réussite à l'épreuve de leur généralisation".
The Same'dicap handicap event was held on Saturday June 23rd in Gaillon and organised by the "Divercité association!"
Check out SIGELEC i-media's June newsletter.
Associations News
The 24 hour Rouen Powerboat Race was held on the Seine between May 25th and 28th on the route around Rouen's Lacroix Island.
>> June 25th - July 11th: CPGE oral
entrance exams
>> July 16th - 25th : ESIGELEC Normandy
>> September 6th : CISE Opening
>> September 10th: 1st year Integrated
International Preparatory students
begin their studies
>> September 17th: 2nd year Integrated
International Preparatory students
begin their studies
>> September 17th: 1st year Engineering
students begin their studies
>> September 17th: 2nd year Engineering
students begin their studies
>> September 25th: Careers Day
>> October 1st: 3rd year Engineering
students begin their studies
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>> May 2012 - n°1

Ecole supérieure d'ingénieurs

Institut de recherche
en systèmes embarqués